Fascism Com. & Definición
Franco and Hitler… & WWII
La España imperial
La guerre d’Espagne
Spanish Catholicism
“This is the first complete history of Spanish Catholicism in English. The history of the Spanish church is rich, complex, and controversial, and this enormous undertaking by Stanley Payne is all the more praiseworthy in view of his determination not to limit his study to the church alone, but to …
Leer más »La revolución española
¿Fascismo en España?
Ferran Gallego. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos y el fascismo español. Editorial Síntesis, 2005. Pp. 431. — y Francisco Morente (editores). Fascismo en España. El Viejo Topo, 2005. Pp. 454. Homenaje a José Antonio en su centenario (1903-2003). Coord. Luis Buceta Facorro, Gonzalo Cerezo Barredo, Eduardo Navarro Álvarez. Plataforma 2003, 2003. Pp. …
Leer más »España, ¿una historia diferente?
For at least 300 years, from the 1660s to the 1970s, commentary about Spain ended to revolve around concepts or analyses of «difference,» concerning Spain’s distance from the northwest European norm and, particularly, a perceived failure in the contest for modernization. Eventually, this negative image began to be internalized by …
Leer más »Axial Age
The four decades 1890-1930 constituted a sort of «Axial Age» of modernity, the initial era of «classical modernity,» in the words of Detlev Peukert. During these decades there in some cases introduced, or in other cases, generalized the inventions and technological advances that made the basic differences between traditional life …
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